A beginning teacher who is able to not only perform their role as a classroom teacher with excellence, but also demonstrate admirable leadership skills and strong capacity for pastoral support for students, is certainly a very special one. ​ Bradley Mather (‘Brad’) has not only taught Mathematics, Science, Biology, Marine Science and Aquatic Practices at Mackay State High School, he has also played an integral role in the development of these teaching and learning programs alongside his colleagues.
Brad has been immensely active in his work with senior teachers to support the introduction of new syllabi, and has played a key role in development of assessment, organisation of excursions, and improving teaching and learning experiences. With respect to his own teaching practice, Brad has a comprehensive knowledge of the students in his classes and their respective strengths and areas of development. Brad strives to support his students’ range of abilities, learning styles, linguistic and socioeconomic backgrounds. By recognising the individualism of each student, Brad motivates students to achieve success of their own. Brad’s support for students is not limited to academics, he has actively assisted students that don’t have academic aspirations to identify their own pathways and inspired students to be excellent role models for other Mackay State High School students. In the wider region, Brad has been an active participant in the Biology Cluster meetings, where he shares his own experiences with regard to the Biology curriculum, and has completed a range of training around data analysis and QCAA curriculum. As a Professional Learning Team leader, Brad is already supporting the teachers around him to improve their own practice. In this role, he has led several staff members in reflection and improvement of pedagogical practice, and has encouraged other teachers to take on evidence-based strategies in their own classrooms. Brad’s leadership experience is also demonstrated through his role in leading Year 7 science. Brad has an important lesson for students as a Biology and Marine Sciences teacher working on the doorstep of the Great Barrier Reef, as he encourages students to consider sustainable approaches to living and working to support the reef. His capacity to work across multiple subject areas and year levels, while also demonstrating leadership in several areas, is admirable. ​ Congratulations Brad on your nomination.