Many times last year at Canterbury College, teacher Clair Goodall and school leadership members would meet and discuss how to improve the learning of their Prep students. The passionate Prep teacher embraced and led the change to a play-based curriculum for early childhood. Based on the holistic pedagogy of the Walker Learning Approach, Clair committed the Prep team and supported her colleagues as they implemented this approach to teaching. She advocated for the new play-based approach, holding parenting information sessions and open classrooms. The results have had a positive impact on the whole community; as Head of Junior School Bill Garland puts it, “Students are engaged and less stressed. Parent feedback is very high.” “Clair ensures her lessons are planned and tailored to her students. Her play-based lessons offer student choice and reflection time is built into the model. There are hands-on and investigative tasks whereby the students get to naturally explore and their curiosity is piqued,” Bill says. Having taught for eight years, Clair continues to read up on play-based teaching and is known for her outstanding knowledge of Prep curriculum. She recently attended the Walker Learning Walk (a play-based approach) workshop at Chapel Hill State Primary School and is now feeling inspired to work with colleagues on further developing play-based teaching at Canterbury. Clair constantly seeks feedback from colleagues on how to improve and is well regarded within the school community. Congratulations Clair on your nomination.