As a new teacher at the culturally diverse Woodridge State High School, David Seymour is making his mark. Although over 70 per cent of the school’s students have English as an Additional Language/Dialect, he is pursuing a goal of all students succeeding. Teaching the subjects Accounting, Business and Tourism across Years 8 to 12, he shares the view of other Woodridge staff that real-world learning helps students engage at school and take charge of their education. So he developed a faculty initiative named Business and Network Chats (BANC) to give students opportunities that had not been available to them previously. BANC has allowed them to hear from a range of business professionals. “Through David's approach to community and business connections, Woodridge State High School has seen an increase in trade and real world connections for Business, Tourism and Accounting students,” Deputy Principal Megan Landbeck says. Working with young people brings challenges but David’s students recognise his enthusiasm and his care for them. He creates productive relationships with both parents and students that benefit their learning. David generates innovative ideas from continued research and work experience. Like many colleagues he makes use of formative assessment and student data, contributing to the faculty’s data walls. David has led the development of curriculum in his faculty team. He demonstrates a deep knowledge of his curriculum and uses of range of pedagogical practice to meet the individual learning demands of each student. David took advantage of the opportunity to learn from his mentor teacher to help establish good pedagogy and practice. He has actively participated in continued professional learning, the school’s Professional Learning Team culture, and peer activities across the school. He sees value in intentional collaboration and approaches every challenge as an opportunity to learn. Congratulations David on your nomination.