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Jan Voges

Known for her inclusive teaching practice, Jan Voges, Special Education teacher at Southport State High School, is changing perspectives on the teaching of students who have disabilities. Her students know she that she enjoys spending time with them and her enthusiasm permeates the classroom. Jan is known for her easy-going manner, creativity, sense of humour and strong relationships with families. She will make home visits, take food and offer emotional support to all.

“Jan offers hope and encouragement by celebrating any and all victories, no matter how big or small the accomplishment. She is able to see things from the student’s point of view and remain optimistic and dedicated to the cause. Her dedication to the students serves as a huge confidence builder for them and bridges the gap in meeting the needs of these unique students”, Danielle Ward, Head of Department of Education Access, says. After four decades in the job, Jan brings a wealth of knowledge and grows the capacity of those around her. “She has dedicated her life to this profession, and she is an asset to our community,” Danielle says. Congratulations Jan on your nomination.

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