Do you remember your favourite book as a young child? For the children at Stretton State College, it is likely that one of their favourite books is probably one they received as part of the ‘Books for Babies’ program established by early childhood teacher, Karen Jeffrey. Having taught early childhood classes for the last thirty years, Karen has a highly sophisticated knowledge and understanding of the importance of reading in the early years for children’s cognitive development, and their language and comprehension abilities.
Developing a love for reading is really important for a child’s future success in schooling and life. The Books for Babies program, established in 2009, ensures families are supported to aide in their baby’s early literacy development. Families in the school community with a new baby are invited to a school assembly where they are presented a book package, which includes “Reading Magic – How your child can learn to read before school – and other read – aloud miracles” by Mem Fox. They also receive a picture book to be shared with their new baby. Supporting reading through Karen’s program has been critical to ensuring the community values reading. Congratulations on your nomination, Karen!