Student behaviour and effort have increased under this enthusiastic first-year Mathematics and Science teacher. Kendra Clark uses real-world connections, and deep content knowledge, to deliver engaging lessons and faculty initiatives. She has also been praised for her emotional intelligence and self-reflection when working with students at Woodridge State High School (WSHS). Over 70 per cent of students at the Logan high school have English as an additional language or dialect and together, they represent 60 different nationalities. WSHS deputy principal Megan Landbeck says the school can be a complex environment to work in and Kendra has been positive and proactive and has shown great initiative. “Kendra has developed innovative Science curriculum including writing, modifying and reviewing teaching, learning and assessment plans, in order to lead a cohort of students to access senior science curriculum and post-schooling pathways that these subjects lead to,” Megan says. “Kendra has led the development of future-focussed, high expectancy curriculum in her faculty team,” she says. “This has also been shown in her willingness to develop curriculum in line with the new QCE offerings at the school.” She has also led the trial and use of formative assessment strategies and has shared her practice. “Kendra is creative and has worked exceptionally hard at creating learning opportunities that give our students the ‘world knowledge’ needed to be increasingly successful,” Megan says. Kendra is recognised by students as being caring and enthusiastic. Her voluntary participation in peer observations and learning walks, and her active engagement in professional development, have also drawn praise. “Kendra generates innovative ideas and utilises her learning not only from university but also from her continued reading and reflections to support both faculty and whole school agendas,” Megan says. Congratulations Kendra on your nomination.
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