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Megan Thirkill

Capalaba State College teacher Megan Thirkill understands the importance of new technology for teaching in the 21st century. She is the iPad Champion for staff and students at her school, attending professional development before teaching her fellow teachers and creating a range of resources for students across the school.  Megan actively uses Literacy Continuum data to inform her lesson planning and setting of student goals. Students have been observed engaged and active in her class which Deputy Principal Roxanne Marshfield describes as “warm, inviting and interactive.”

She attends pupil progress meetings each term to discuss with the school administration targets and next steps for her students. Individual curriculum plans and student data are constantly updated for best results. Megan uses effective, explicit, direct instruction with her students and implements writing approaches Vocabulary, Connectives, Openers and Punctuation (VCOP) and Point, Evidence, Explanation, Link (PEEL) to improve their writing. She is always ready to engage with a new strategy if it will improve outcomes for students. Megan is also happy to experiment with classroom displays. An active member of the Breakfast Club as well as the school’s Wellbeing representative, Megan organises activities to raise morale amongst her peers and actively takes care of them. She is also actively involved with fundraising events, a recent example being the Book Fair where over $2,000 was raised. Having taught for 14 years in the profession and continuing to undertake a variety of professional development, she provides tips and tricks to the Teaching Team at the college. She also provides advice at staff meetings and is happy for colleagues to observe her teaching. Congratulations Megan on your nomination.

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