Paw Kappel, the Head of Department (ICT and Business) for Years P-12 at Bentley Park College, is truly a pioneer when it comes to ICT and has transformed the subject and pathways for students because of it. Paw Kappel maintains close connections with industry and higher education, which enables him to provide students with cutting-edge experiences and learning opportunities. For example, Paw implemented one of Australia’s first-ever offering of the Remote Pilot License (CASA RePL) to high school students and has worked closely with a teacher-training organisation to determine how to tailor the necessary knowledge and skills for the program for his students.
Paw has had a significant influence on the academic achievement of students at the school. In the VET space, Paw has implemented several VET pathways and industry connections at the College. He developed and introduced a Certificate IV in Screen and Media and other programs which have seen QCE attainment increase from 55% for non-indigenous students and 25% for indigenous students to 100%. Paw ensures student learning is directly applicable, and so uses a diverse range of industry connections to support students to engage with ‘the real world’. He invites business owners, professors, pilots, founders, professionals and entrepreneurs to the school on a regular basis and supports students to develop professional portfolios of work that will help them to find work in the future. In his Department area, Paw has an A-C pass rate of over 90% in the senior Curriculum Authority subjects and has played a significant role in ensuring Bentley College’s OP results improve. Paw is also committed to his own professional learning and that of his colleagues. He has built up a network of teachers in the far north Queensland (FNQ) region and communicates with them regularly to share practices. In his role as Head of Department and as Vice-President of the professional association QSITE FNQ, Paw has run professional development opportunities and has created planning days with the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Paw also makes an effort to develop and mentor beginning teachers because he has a strong desire to support the next generation of teachers in the region. Congratulations on your nomination, Paw.