Renee’s energetic and creative approach in her classroom has led to a steady improvement in her students’ effort and behaviour outcomes. The Film, Television and New Media teacher is praised for her emotional intelligence, content knowledge, and ability to deliver engaging lessons for her Woodridge State High School (WSHS) students. Over 70 per cent of students at the Logan high school have English as an additional language or dialect and together, they represent 60 different nationalities.
WSHS deputy principal Megan Landbeck says the school can be a complex environment to work in and Renee has developed a range of strategies in order to make a positive impact on student outcomes. “This is particularly evident in her Year 12 Drama in Practice class, in which 100 per cent of students are achieving a C or higher, and in her Year 10 and 12 Media classes, in which 91 per cent of students are achieving a C or higher,” Megan says. “She has developed future-focussed, high expectancy curriculum in collaboration with her faculty team. This has been shown in her willingness to redevelop curriculum in line with the new Queensland Certificate of Education and new Vocational Education and Training offerings at the school,” she says. “Renee has voluntarily sought feedback from her peers and is able to construct differentiated teaching experiences that engage Woodridge SHS students.” She has also supported faculty initiatives to engage students in their education and has written, modified and reviewed teaching and learning assessment plans. “Renee has worked to develop collegial relationships that improve the efficacy of the Arts faculty,” Megan says. “Renee takes every opportunity to build relationships with parents and carers and is recognised by students as a caring and enthusiastic educator,” she says. Congratulations Renee on your nomination.
Her dedication to building relationships Tunnel Rush with parents and carers, along with her caring and enthusiastic demeanor, have earned her recognition and respect from both students and colleagues.
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